Rose Quirks

How did you choose your derby name?
Rose is my middle name, my grandmas favorite flower, and I have a huge rose tattoo on my back, all I knew was my name would have something to do with roses, and there were a lot of iterations before I found the one that i felt fit.

What is your pre-derby skating or athletic background?
I tried derby in college for a few months when a roommate brought me to practice, I fell in love with it but the timing just wasn’t right and my priority was graduating. We moved to Maine and when I found AFA only a few minutes away from me I couldn’t let the opportunity pass again. my only other athletic background was when I was less than 12, and in high school I played tennis.

What lesson(s) have you learned through roller derby?
I’m learning what it really means to be a team. I know I can trust that someone will always be there on and off the track if I needed it. I see how much of my teammates give of themselves and it makes me strive to do the same, to be the teammate I want to be and the one they all deserve.

What is something non-derby related on your bucket list?
To see a narwhal.

What is your “day job”?
I’m an Ed Tech with non verbal kiddos and I couldn’t love my job more.

Tell us about your hobbies.
I love making art, preferably something with a darker twist.


Year of Birth 1992
Joined AFA April 2017
Number of Tattoos 2