Introducing a new column: “5 Questions For…” in which we will interview members of AFA who represent a variety of roles.
It’s an exciting time for AFA! Among so many big changes we have gone through recently we also have the formation of our very own Officiating Committee. Stepping up to steer that committee is Goff Da Track, who joined AFA earlier this year with a goal of becoming a skating official. Here are 5 questions for AFA’s Head of Officiating
How exciting is it to be getting the Officiating Committee started?
It is very exciting! I am truly humbled and honored to be leading this great committee. Its definitely something I feel every league should have as officials are needed ALL the time.
What steps have you taken to research and learn about roller derby officiating?I have attended 2 Officiating clinics, helped NSO 3 scrimmages and have reviewed some of the WFTDA rules and regulations. I have also been recommended to shadow Coconutz Chanelle on Monday nights in Portland for MRD’s scrimmages. It also helps when our league has become friends with so many wonderful officials who have offered to help numerous times.
What is the biggest challenge to forming this new committee and training officials?
I believe the biggest challenge is that we are starting from scratch. Being that this is a new program, everyone is in the same boat with learning as we go.
When and how can people get involved as officials with AFA?
We will be starting Officiating training on July 3rd. Our practices will be on Tuesday’s and Friday’s after Freshie warm ups which will be either on or off skates. After which we will be working in a classroom like setting at least for the first couple weeks.
What is your favorite thing to do on skates?
Honestly just being on skates is the best feeling in the world! When I am on skates, it’s just me and the track and all of my worries go away. This community is truly 1 in a million and I wouldn’t change my derby journey for anything in the world.
Thanks Goff!!!