Trunk or Treat 2018

Posted on 10/21/2018 in Newsletter. Tags: , , , , , .

On Saturday, October 20th AFA participated in the Trunk or Treat event hosted by the Lewiston Recreation Department.

This is the 4th year AFA has been a part of this event, and this year league members contributed four trunks, all with the theme: Classic Books Made Into Movies.

Check out the photos!

2001: A Space Odyssey

Alice in Wonderland

Charlotte’s Web

The Wizard of OZ

We had an absolute blast creating these trunks, dressing up, and supporting the Lewiston Rec Department and the kids in the community!

(Special shout outs to Shaylin Collins for organizing things for us this year, to everyone who put in their time to decorate trunks, dress up, and hand out candy, and to Writer’s Block for taking pics!)