Hello, and Happy New Year!
AFA is looking forward to kicking off a whole new year of derby soon. We have a recruitment happening, brand new Contact Learning skaters eager to take their training to the next level, the Inferno is coming back from their off season and getting ready to kick butt, and so much more! Stay tuned to our website and social media pages for announcements about where and how to see us play and all that we have going on behind the scenes.
I recently asked the whole league to share if they had any derby related New Year’s Resolutions. Here are the responses, as varied and bold as the members of our league!
“To try and get more off skate workouts in.” -Ginger SnapHer
“Off skates workouts, footwork, master stops, and to get 34/5.” -Slim Katie
“Transitioning smoothly.” -Arky de Sade
“Setting new personal footwork skills and a regular lifting schedule to get stronger.” -Seitanic Beast
“Be more consistent with my lifts.” -Daisy Cutter
“Memorize all the ref hand signals and calls and get more confident making calls. Learn all the things!” -Wild Violet
“Commit or quit.” -Photo Bomber
“Take every opportunity I am offered to play derby. I learn the most while I’m playing.” -Sparks & Wreck
“I will jump the damn [pool] noodle.” -Mutha
“Become Level 1 Certified and to be a skating official in a bout.” -Goff Da Track
“To (try to) quit smoking (again)!” -Queen Bootycca
Do YOU have a New Year’s Resolution related to fitness, derby, or conquering a skill? Share in the comments!